Constructing cultural borders: depictions of Muslim refugees in British and German media (2017)

In seiner Studie analysiert Tobias Müller die Darstellung von als muslimisch markierten Geflüchteten in deutschen sowie britische Zeitungen. Er arbeitet dominante Diskursstränge heraus, die jeweils die Konstruktionen verschiedener Differenzkategorien aufzeigen:

Die Konstruktion einer Christlich-Europäischen Kultur
,,two seemingly clear cut cultural-spatial containers are being constructed that are marked by a sharp distinction between a ‚European Christian Culture‘ ‚here‘ and a ‚Muslim Culture‘ ‚there‘. This spatio-cultural construction provides the discursive basis for arguments claiming that the integration of Muslims was especially difficult or even impossible.“ (269)

Die Darstellung von Geflüchteten als selbstverantwortliche Opfer, gleichzeitig aber auch Bedrohung und die kulturell „Anderen“
,,Both the exploiting extremists and the threatened communities are Muslims. Moreover, both are constructed to be in need of intervention by the security apparatus: the extremists have to be persecuted, the communities have to be protected. Therefore, this cognitively constructed need of state intervention, complemented with a threat aiming at creating fear on an affective level, is translated into evaluational support for
the strong security interest in the refugee crisis.“ (272)

Müller, T. Constructing cultural borders: depictions of Muslim refugees in British and German media. Z Vgl Polit Wiss 12, 263–277 (2018), auffindbar unter