„The agency of domination does not reside in the one who speaks (for it is he who is constrained), but in the one who listens and says nothing“
„In The History of Sexuality Foucault argues that ‘the agency of domination does not reside in the one who speaks (for it is he who is constrained), but in the one who listens and says nothing; not in the one who knows and answers, but in the one who questions and is not supposed to know’ (Sexuality: 64). He is describing the power-knowledge fulcrum which sustains the Roman Catholic confessional, but as with most of Foucault’s work, it resonates in other areas as well.“
Foucault, Michel (1976) zit. n. Phelan, Peggy (1993). In: Unmarked. The Politics of Performance, Routledge: S.163